
How do I know how much to buy?
June 26, 2024

How do I know how much to buy?

If you are planning to do the project yourself, please use our online measuring app. For LeafBlaster Pro and other professionally installed solutions, we always recommend having your contractor take...

How do I install this on my gutter-to-roof configuration?
June 26, 2024

How do I install this on my gutter-to-roof configuration?

Please select which retailer you purchased your gutter guards from to see installation instructions specific to your product. Amazon: Lowes: Ace Hardware: Sam’s Club: Walmart: Costco:

Do I need a rainwater diverter?
June 26, 2024

Do I need a rainwater diverter?

A rainwater diverter helps disperse heavier flows of rainwater over a wider space of your gutter to lessen the chance of the water running over your gutter. It does...

Can these withstand hail?
June 26, 2024

Can these withstand hail?

We manufacture our gutter guards with a ‘thick wire’ 30 mesh (larger, more rigid wire size) as its standard size mesh. That means it’s stronger for withstanding larger hail...

Do these gutter guards work with uncommon roof and gutter types?
June 26, 2024

Do these gutter guards work with uncommon roof and gutter types?

Please select which retailer you purchased your gutter guards from to see installation instructions specific to your product. Amazon: Lowes: Ace Hardware: Sam’s Club: Walmart: Costco: Home Depot: Menards: